Deliverable D1.1

Techno-economical and social barriers affecting the deployment of building-integrated RES v1

Deliverable 1.2

Building-Users/ Owners and REInstallers Needs Report v1

Deliverable 1.3

Functional requirements, benchmarking indicators and evaluation framework definition

Deliverable 1.4

RE-COGNITION System Architecture (v.1)

Deliverable 1.5

Techno-economical and social barriers affecting the deployment of the building-integrated RES V2

Deliverable 2.3

Biogas fuelled micro-CHP Prototype V1

Deliverable 2.4

Optimized Latent-Heat based Thermal Energy Storage technology

Deliverable 3.1

RE-COGNITION Common Information Model and Device Managers

Deliverable 4.1

Report on preparation of test-bed related activities

Deliverable 5.1

RE-COGNITION Use Cases and Test Scenarios Definition

Deliverable 5.2

Report on Activities for Engaging and Training Pilot Participants and Related Material

Deliverable 6.1

Dissemination and Communication Plan v1

Deliverable 6.3

Dissemination and Communication Plan V2

Deliverable 6.4

Dissemination and Communication Package First Reporting Period

Deliverable 7.3

Data Management Plan (v.1)